Biznis ak òganizasyon ki siyen yo te pwomèt pou yo anbrase yon filozofi enklizivite lè yo deklare:
Nou sipòte travay moun ki kalifye ak andikap, epi chèche bay kliyan ak kliyan biznis/òganizasyon nou an yon anviwònman ki satisfè bezwen yo pou aksè nan estrikti, kominikasyon ak entèraksyon ak anplwaye nou yo. Nou ankouraje lòt biznis ak òganizasyon pou vin ansanm ak nou nan pran angajman sa a, epi nou fyè pou nou rantre nan Eta New York nan kreye kominote ki chèche genyen ladan yo moun ki gen tout kapasite.
- Kapab2
- Able 2 Enhancing Potential, Inc.
- Aksè: Supports for Living, Inc
- Adapte rezo kominotè
- Advocates Incorporated
- Alaant Workforce Solutions
- Allen Associates
- Benediksyon Amore Myers
- Anderson Sant pou Otis
- Arc Herkimer
- Aktik mekanik èkondisyone ak chofaj
- Ashton Potter
- Aspire nan WNY
- Terapis Fizik ak Okipasyonèl Asosye
- Autism Services Inc
- Axzons Health System Corp
- Terapi Baecon
- Bèl memwa Gemach
- Bibliyotèk piblik Betleyèm
- Ant Da 2, inc.
- Flash jwèt Fòm
- Pote sou Spectrum la
- Brooklyn Autism Center
- BrownWeinraub
- Camille Casaretti, Inc
- Kapasite, Inc.
- Care Design NY
- Catskill Hudson Bank
- Sant pou Libète Karyè
- Asosyasyon Paralezi Serebral Konte Nassau, Inc.
- Cioffi Slezak Wildgrube, PC
- Defansè Sitwayen yo
- Sèvis Auto Clinton
- Clothers-Finansè
- Antrenè ak Christy
- Community Based Services Inc.
- Alyans Enklizyon Kominotè ak Devlopman (CIDA)
- Kominote Nexus
- Resous Kominotè Staten Island
- Sèvis kominotè pou chak1
- Community, Work and Independence, Inc.
- Patenarya Konstriktif (CP) san limit
- Continual Care Solutions, Inc.
- Sant Kafou pou Timoun yo
- Crystal Run Village Inc
- DNR Penyen bèt kay
- EBizDocs
- Ebony Eyes Community Services Center Inc
- Otorize
- Enstiti a epilepsi DBA EFMNY
- Epilepsi Pralid, Inc.
- Biwo Konte Erie pou Moun Andikape yo
- Erin Cook, MSC endepandan
- Legliz Metodis Ini Esperance-Sloansville
- Evolution All Phase Construction LLC
- eVero Corporation
- Fabian
- Sèvis pou Fanmi ak Timoun nan Schenectady
- Family Resource Network, Inc.
- Zanmi kokenn nan WNY, Inc.
- Sou entènèt jwèt Fashion Design
- Jesyon ak antretyen enstalasyon federal yo
- Tekstil Finger Lakes
- Premye Legliz Refòme nan Schenectady
- GRATIS, Inc.
- Akonpli rèv, LLC
- Jwèt Gardner kamyon
- Golub Corporation/Price Chopper/Mache 32
- Bon Rezon, LLC
- Bòn volonte NY/NJ
- Bon volonte nan Finger Lakes
- Great Tie Consulting Corporation
- Pwogram Greystone
- GW Lisk
- Reparasyon ekriti/Ekriti ki travayd
- Haven Camps, Inc.
- Hearts Place Services, LLC
- HeartShare Human Services of New York
- Health Research, Inc.
- Ede selebre kapasite yo
- HERO, Inc.
- Hill & Markes
- Heritage Christian Services, Inc.
- Home Instead Senior Care, Albany ak Schenectady
- Famasi Rejyonal Hudson LTC
- Mwen ase, Inc
- Image Data Inc.
- Image Integrator, LLC
- Netwayaj Imperial
- Inclusive Links, Inc.
- Integrated Staffing Corporation
- Mize Endyen Iroquois
- Jawonio
- JM Murray
- Jewel Sèvis Imen
- Federasyon Juif nan NENY
- Fondasyon pou Timoun Juliana Rose
- Jis yon Buck
- LB Onpoint
- Mete etikèt sou achtè
- LAnse
- Libète ARC
- Lifespire Inc.
- Lifetime Assistance, Inc.
- Living Resources Corp
- Maysie me
- MediSked LLC
- Metis Consulting Group
- Mill Neck Sèvis
- Lopital Nathan Littauer
- New Beginnings Thrift Shop
- Nouvo Netwayaj Pwosesis
- New York Community Bank
- Depatman Konsèvasyon Anviwònman New York State
- Otorite Rechèch ak Devlopman Enèji New York State
- New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (NYSID)
- Sou entènèt jwèt Nine Pin Ciderworks
- Planifikasyon Karyè Nòdès
- NYS Bridge Authority
- Depatman Travay NYS
- NYS Industries for the Disabled, Inc.
- Fon Asirans New York State (NYSIF)
- Biwo Enspektè Jeneral Medicaid NYS
- Biwo Eta New York pou moun ki gen andikap nan devlopman
- Biwo Asistans Tanporè ak Enfimite NYS
- O'Brien CMC Konpayi Responsablite Limite
- Sou pwen
- Sou Mak Ou
- Onondaga Community College
- Opengate, Inc.
- Sistèm Optimax
- Nou Ability, Inc.
- Pyès devinèt nou an, LLC
- Plan Sante Partners
- Solisyon patenarya
- People Inc.
- Playtime Daycare, LLC
- Pine Ridge endistri yo
- Pèson Centered Services Swen Kowòdinasyon
- Koneksyon Kominote Pozitif
- Pri Chopper/Mache 32 Sipè Makèt
- Konpetan fòmasyon espò
- Gwoup Jesyon Piramid
- Li Cursive vit
- Recipes 4 Learning, Inc.
- Konseye rezidansyèl yo (Modesta Winfrey)
- Resilient Bridges Inc.
- Sèvis RISE Life
- Resous Center for Accessible Living, Inc.
- Rochester Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
- Rosenblum Development Corporation
- Konpayi Ross
- Sistèm Swen Sante St Mary pou Timoun yo
- Sasi
- Sass Harlem Inc.
- Ministè Kominotè Schenectady (SiCM)
- Schenectady JCC
- Schoharie Arc
- Scholet Mèb
- SEAT Sant
- SecureScan
- Seery Systems Group, Inc.
- Sharel Ventures
- SMILE, sipòte lavi endepandan mwen, Inc.
- Smusht
- Kowòdinasyon Swen Southern Tier Connect
- South Fork Bakery
- Special Olympics New York
- Spectre
- Spectrum Bakes
- Spectrum Designs
- Fondasyon Spectrum Designs
- Spectrum Suds
- Staten Island Learning Center
- Starbridge Services, Inc.
- Sterlings Imaj
- SUNation Solar Systems, Inc.
- Talent Tech Valley
- Konte Arc Erie New York
- Arc la, Jefferson-St. Lawrence
- The Arc, Lexington
- Arc la, Oneida-Lewis Chapter
- Arc nan Konte Rensselaer
- The Baking Coach, LLC
- Frè yo ki jis fè Gutters Capital District
- Kolektif chandèl la
- Kote Kominote Greater Rochester
- Sosyete Edikasyon Ebre nan Brooklyn
- Institute of Applied Human Dynamics, Inc.
- Lekòl Mildred Elley
- Sant Nichlolas la
- Gwoup Nicotra a
- Sant Somè a
- TINI Tavern Limited
- Vilaj la nan Ithaca, Inc.
- Tranzisyon
- UCP - E. John Gavras Center
- Unique Life, Inc.
- Sèvis moun inik
- Kay Inite
- Inite House of Cayuga County, Inc.
- UniversalCare Services, LLC
- Urban Co-Works
- Walgreen #17097
- Warren Washington Albany ARC
- WellLife Network, Inc.
- Western New York Independent Living, Inc.
- Winters Frè m yo
- Winters Sant pou Otis
- 3G Cleaning Services, LLC
- 7Yum6, LLC dba Nikèl Plak la